Party Horns - Fully Printable! (New Year)

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Party Horns - Fully Printable! (New Year)


Print Profile(7)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

Mouthpiece + Cone, Solid (Regular Size)
Mouthpiece + Cone, Solid (Regular Size)
43 min
1 plate

Mouthpiece (no cone)
Mouthpiece (no cone)
32 min
1 plate

Mouthpiece + Cone with Strands
Mouthpiece + Cone with Strands
56 min
1 plate

Mouthpiece + Cone, Solid (Larger Size)
Mouthpiece + Cone, Solid (Larger Size)
50 min
1 plate
Click to see more




Every party needs a little bit of noise - and especially New Year's Eve!


Most of all already know the Party Horns you can buy at different stores around New Year's. But it has never been possible to 3D-print one at home - until now!

Introducing the World's First 3D-Printable Functional Party Horn!


After nearly 60 iterations and tests, I have finally succeeded with creating a Party Horn that actually produces sound which mimicks that of the store-bought ones, while also remaining easy to print!

This means that no supports are needed, as I have carefully designed the interior to avoid briding as much as possible.
The mouthpiece itself is print-in-place and ready-to-go!


Assembly (10 seconds)

While the mouthpiece itself doesn't require any assembly, you might need to free the vibrating pin, by sliding your finger across the top, if your retraction settings aren't 100% spot-on and a little bit of stringing has occured.

Like so:



The cone is assembled by inserting the pins/pegs into the holes.
Afterwards, you simply drop the mouthpiece down into the cone, line up the pegs with the holes, and pull it a bit, until the pegs pop out and the mouthpiece is secured.

Like so:

Now you simply have to blow into the mouthpiece, and sound comes out - just like a regular party horn!
If sound doesn't come out, or if it sounds a bit “wrong”, you can try holding the pin back for a few seconds to very slightly “bend” it a bit.


Print settings / Tips&Tricks

If you're not using a Bambu Lab printer, or if you decide not to use my Print Profiles, here are a few things, you need to know:

  • A brim is highly recommended for the mouthpiece, as it is quite slim.
  • Use 0.4mm wall thickness (This is to ensure the pin is the right thickness).
  • For the “Cone, with Strands”, please use 3 walls at least - otherwise the first layer might not be quite right.
  • I highly recommend using Archimedean Chords as the Top Surface for the cones - this increases their strength significantly when bending, as no lines are 100% parallel to the bend.
  • Ensure your retraction settings are on-point! The pin is printed right in the middle, and it is absolutely crucial that it moves - otherwise no sound is generated when blowing into the horn!

I have only tested the mouthpiece in PLA and PLA+.

The cone has been tested in PLA, PLA+ and Silk PLA.





And just for fun, a picture of the iterations and tests I went through (in no particular order):



Remixing is currently not allowed, as I have quite a few designs for the cones, which I will be uploading gradually.

I do allow you to add your own text on the cone in the slicer - you just cannot upload it as a remix currently.



Comment & Rating (118)

Please fill in your opinion

Print Profile
Mouthpiece (no cone)
Great print and just in time for the new year! If I may add something I noticed, theres a seam didn't seal well, but that may be because I didn't have the correct settings or something. Still a great print. Thank you.
The designer has replied
Thank you for sharing! Did you use my Print Profile without changing anything? An imperfect seal is often due to retractions settings being just a tiny bit off, so I'm afraid I can't do much to change it (other than perhaps use random seams instead of aligning them) But I take it, that the print still works and produces sound? :-D
yes. just straight from the bambu site.
Replying to @Majateck :
Ah, right. You might need to decrease the retraction length on my profile slightly - but it can also differ slightly from brand to brand, or even roll to roll, I've found, so maybe trying out a different roll of filament could yield different results. But I hope they still works fine, so you didn't end up wasting filament and time :-)
Print Profile
Mouthpiece (no cone)
The designer has replied
I'm so stoked to hear it works for you! I was a bit worried it wouldn't work on other printers, since the precision has to be quite high for it to actually produce sound. Thank you so much for sharing!
Print Profile
Mouthpiece + Cone with Strands
Perfect profile! Printed without problems
Print Profile
Mouthpiece + Cone with Strands
Worked great! Festive and fun!
Print Profile
Mouthpiece + Cone with Strands
Can’t believe this worked. Thank you.
Print Profile
Mouthpiece + Cone, Solid (Regular Size)
my 2nd make , made out of basic bamboo pla, must also add that the horn is fully funtional.
Print Profile
Mouthpiece (no cone)
awesome! thank you!
Print Profile
Mouthpiece (no cone)
printed great but noise didn't work. gotta try again I probably did something wrong
The designer has replied
Sorry to hear the noise didn’t work. Have you tried moving the pin like shown in the GIF? Sometimes a bit of light stringing is present and keeps the pin from vibrating to create sound
oh yea that was the first thing I tried and ended up hamfisting it and breaking the tab off lol. I'll upload when I get a successful print out probably nothing bad
Replying to @Rodger :
Hahah, I've also broken quite a few tabs myself, when I was prototyping the design - so I know the struggle! Did you ever get it to work?
Print Profile
5 Plates - Different Text Options!
The designer has replied
I’m sorry to see the print didn’t quite live up to your expectations. Would you be able to elaborate on what went wrong? I would love to try and optimize the print/design :-)
Replying to @TheBear :
it's mainly the model itself. it is very difficult to bend and does not hold. I had to heat it up and it completely bent. The holes are all a bit big. maybe it's because of my material. Bambu pla Basic pink and the writing bamboo pla matt black. I can upload photos tomorrow
Replying to @Lox3D :
Thanks for the pictures! I'm sorry to hear you had such difficulties bending the cone around. I'll try doing a few tests on the infill pattern, etc., to see if I can decrease the likelihood of it not bending properly. I did design the holes with a somewhat generous tolerance, to ensure it would work for the vast majority of printers. But of course, most people in here have a Bambu Lab printer, which normally have good tolerances, so maybe I should reconsider that strategy. You can of course always use the X-Y Hole compensation setting in the slicer as a workaround. For example setting it to -0.25mm or similar :-) Or do you mean that the holes are too big in the sense, that they are visible after assembly? I was having the same thoughts when designing the model, but I decided it would make assembly much easier to use these keyhole-shaped holes for the locking mechanism. I also tried moving the pegs further inwards to mitigate this, but then there was just this big overlap of material "flapping around", so to speak. I could try and brainstorm another locking mechanism that might work just as well, but without showing the holes after assembly. To be quite honest with you, I am a total newbie at 3D-designing, so that also limits me in a lot of ways. But I never want to miss out on a chance to improve - so I really appreciate your constructive feedback!
Print Profile
Mouthpiece + Cone with Strands
This print works. I made 8 total and they all make noise.
The designer has replied
I'm so stoked to hear they all work! Which printer did you print them on? :-D And the noise they produce - does it sound like what you would expect from a partyhorn?


This work is licensed under a Standard Digital File License.

You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.