Easy Zipper for Assistive Technology Challenge

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Summary My cousin Juan Luis, from Pamplona (Spain), can't use his left arm and I have seen him so many times opening metal zippers, that I decided to do something about it. With EasyZipper you can use your teeth or some other means, to open your zippers. This EasyZipper is a generic design that will let you fit most of standard zippers. Just use a cable tie and you are done. I hope it will be useful for many people. You can watch some easy instructions in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqsHwKfUz3w Mi primo Juan Luis, de Pamplona (España), no puede usar su brazo izquierdo y le he visto muchas veces abrir cremalleras metálicas, que decidí hacer algo al respecto. Con EasyZipper puedes usar tus dientes u otros medios, para abrir cremalleras. Este EasyZypper es un diseño genérico que te permitirá adaptarlo a la mayoría de cremalleras. Simplemente usa una brida para fijarlo y ya está. En el video tienes algunas instrucciones sencillas. Print Settings Rafts: Doesn't Matter Supports: Doesn't Matter Infill: 100 Notes: You can use 100% fill because it is so light that you won't save much material or time. But it is up to you.

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