Waffle Structure

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My name is Maria Delgado; I am a PhD Student at the University of Colorado Denver. I also teach two sections of ARCH 3801 Digital Media to 48 undergraduate architecture students in the College of Architecture and Planning.

This semester, our students were fortunate to use the Form2 3D printer housed at the CU Denver University makerspace called Inworks. In this course, the architecture scholars learned how to model in Rhino, prepare watertight STL files, and experienced the process of seeing their complex models come to fruition by way of the Form2 printer.

If the CAP department had their own Form2 printer, our students would have increased access to a 3D printer making it possible to print multiple iterations. I have entered one of my lesson plans to the FORMLABS CONTEST: INNOVATE AND EDUCATE CHALLENGE. Winning a Form2 printer would extend the 3D printing learning base for our current and future students at CAP. 

Feel free to visit the course Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/cudenverdigitize/

Design Files

File Size

2.21 MB
4.46 MB


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