Modern Performance Automobile Seat (MP-3) Mult Recline Angels

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This listing contains 4 files for our Modern Performance Automobile Seat (MP-3). The 4 files are of complete MP-3 seats that have been reclined at 0, 5, 10, and 15 degrees. This is to aid our customers who may not be able to readily alter our files to suit the particular needs of their build project.

As we try to do with all of our parts, the width of the seats have been normalized to 1 mm wide. The modelers has only to determine the width of the seat they need for their build and use this width as the scale factor for the seat. Typical performance seats are about 560 mm wide in real life. So if the modeler is building a 1/12 scale model then a good width to start with would be 560/12=46.7. 46.7 would be the scale factor you apply to this file in your slicing software. This link will take you to our website catalog where more info for this product can be found.

Design Files

File Size

MP-3 Degree 10.STL
10.9 MB
MP-3 Degree 0.STL
10.9 MB
MP-3 Degree 5.STL
10.9 MB
MP-3 Degree 15.STL
10.9 MB


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