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The "Proton MK 1" Model Rocket

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  • 9,2k vues
  • 37 j’aimes
  • 519 téléchargements
  • 1 commentaire

Format du design 3D
STL Détails du dossier Fermer
  • Engine_Mount_and__Fins.stl
  • Guiding_Hole.stl
  • Main_Body.stl
  • Nose_Cone.stl

En savoir plus sur les formats

Dernière mise à jour 2017-05-25 à 2h00
Date de publication 2015-07-01 à 21h14
Numéro du design 2595

Info sur le fichier 3D

Description du modèle 3D

The "Proton MK 1" is 3D printable model rocket for every one to use!
*More files and images coming soon!

To make this rocket you will also need to purchase the following materials:

1x 18" Nylon Parachute

1x 24mm Motor Holder

1x Elastic Shock Cord

1x Wadding Paper Pack

Some D12-5 or D12-3 Rocket Engines

Optional Materials:

Launch Pad WITH Maxi Rods:

Remote Ignition System:

Paramètres d’impression 3D


Step 1: Print all the required parts (Nose cone, Body, Fin section)
(The guiding holes are optional, but recommended. Also the writing may require supports, but they are a hassle to remove if used.)

Step 2: Glue the body to the fin section with epoxy or the equivalent

Step 3: Glue the engine mount into the fin section, make sure the metal retainer is not glued down. (A rocket engine can be inserted in the mount during the drying process to prevent this)

Step 4: Cut a 1.5' section of your elastic shock cord and glue it to both the inside of the nose cone and body. (Make sure that it is glued in a way that the nose cone and body can be joined)

Step 5 (Optional): If the elastic shock cord snapped on your first launch repeat step 4 for extra strength.

Step 6: Tie all the strands of the parachute in a "Girth Hitch" around
the mid-point of the elastic shock cord.

(File includes 7, but only two are necessary) Step 7: Glue the guiding holes in the gap between two fins, one 1/2" down from the top of the body and one 1/2 above the bottom of the fin section.

Step 8: That's it for the assembly!


Step 1: Insert 3 sheets of the wadding paper into the body.

Step 2: Fold the nylon parachute tightly and insert it into the body.

Step 3: Take all the loose strands of the parachute or elastic and also insert the into the body.

Step 4: Close the body by joining the nose cone to it. (It is normal for the nose cone to be loose)

Step 5: Insert the engine into the mount.

Step 6: Insert the small igniter in the divot on the bottom of the engine and then also insert the white plug into the divot.

Step 7: Place the guiding holes of your rocket into the guiding rod of the launch pad.

Step 8: Connect the clips of your remote launch system and back up a safe distance.

Step 9: Launch!



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