M3 Thumb Screw for Open-source Optics

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Summary This is a simple yet handy thumbscrew for m3s. This component is part of the Open-source optics project, whose goal is to radically reduce the cost of scientific optical hardware: by the [Michigan Tech's Open Sustainability Technology Research Group]( http://www.mse.mtu.edu/MOST). For similar see the Open-Source Lab How to Build Your Own Hardware and Reduce Research Costs Instructions Print and put together with an m3 nut and screw of your choosing. We originaly posted this as part of http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:26752 and the OpenSCAD code is there if you need it - but is easier to keep track of when using in other prints if it is alone. Ideal for low profile m3x30/25mm. Thanks to Nick for design. This component is part of the Open-source Optics Library: Zhang C, Anzalone NC, Faria RP, Pearce JM (2013) Open-Source 3D-Printable Optics Equipment. PLoS ONE 8(3): e59840. This is part of a larger project to reduce the cost of scientific equipment using open-source hardware. Read more here

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66.6 KB


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