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2020 Dumpster Fire Ornament

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  • 2020_Dumpster_Ornament.stl
  • Dumpster_Lid.stl
  • Fire_Base.stl

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Publication date 2022-09-30 at 16:16
Published to Thingiverse on: 2020-12-15 at 23:28
Design number 866539

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So - this is my version of a 2020 dumpster fire ornament. This was my first stab at making something, so I'm sure there's lots of room for improvement..

Unfortunately I can't share the actual flame I used, since I paid for it. However, you can buy it here:

Just plop it on top of the base in tinkercad, size it appropriately, and maybe hollow it out a bit, and you should be off to the races. You'll also want to make sure that there's enough vertical height space for a 5mm LED inside of the flame! You can also use a flame available here on thingiverse, but I didn't really care for any of them.

I made a lot of tweaks to the dumpster this was born from and designed it to hold a switch to turn the ornament on and off, and built a platform for the flame to rest on so it could be hot glued in place. I also had to significantly reinforce the hinge because the small ones from the original dumpster were just too brittle after they were printed. I also put a hole in the back corner to help with suction issues that were arising from printing directly on the plate, and some inside of the dumpster handles to help with draining resin that was getting trapped in there.

You should be able to build all of the parts for this directly on the build plate, the back of the hinges on the dumpster might need some support. If you use the CR123 batteries linked below, the ornament is rechargeable via USB! Really though, you can use any 3V source. You could also put a lipo battery in there, but it would require an additional charging board and you would need to put a hole somewhere for it to charge. Space is already pretty tight in the dumpster, so I opted for these batteries that had a USB port on them.

The small indentations on the left side of the dumpster, and in the lid, are for the small magnets, which hold the lid closed.

When built with all of the materials listed below the flame will flicker, and the battery should last a pretty long time, variable dependent on the resistor you use and battery capacity.

Sorry for the crappy print quality in the photos, hopefully it conveys what the final product kind of looks like!


1413-YK Self-locking Round Twisted Switch .50
EBL 3V 123 Lithium Rechargeable Battery 5.38
CR 123 Battery Holder 1.00
5mm Yellow Flicker LED Light x2 .10
100 to 470 Ohm Resistor .05
22 AWG Solid Wire .10
3x1mm Magnet x2 .07
PCB .62
Awclub 1.5mm Carbon Fiber Round ~
Dumpster + Lid Resin 1.00
Fire Resin .35

3D printing settings




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