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Commodore Logo CapsLock key

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  • CommodoreCapslock-OEM-FLATTOP-silly-row3-1_25u.stl
  • CommodoreCapslock-OEM-row3-1_25u.stl

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Publication date 2022-11-03 at 14:18
Published to Thingiverse on: 2021-06-10 at 16:30
Design number 910026

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I never use the CapLock key, but I do use the "Super" key (more commonly known as the "Windows" key, but I don't run Windows, so I use the Linux terminology), so I've reprogrammed my Kinesis Advantage to use the CapsLock key as the Super key, so when I ran across rsheldiii 's parametric keycaps (awesome work), I had to have a go at it.

I'm also a fan of the Commodore 8-bit computers, especially the VIC-20, C64, and C128. Found a font by Devin Cook that includes various Commodore themed glyphs. Here is a link directly to the ZIP that should always work

The Kinesis uses OEM profile keys. The CapsLock is 1.25u wide.

One file is for a properly curved key top, standard OEM profile with the Commodore logo on top.

The "FLATTOP_silly" file is "silly" because I added "READY." and a cursor to the front face. It was flattened on top because I use PrusaSlicer and it's "ironing" feature to get super-smooth top surfaces. This required some modifications to the OpenSCAD code to provide deeper "cutting tools" for the legends to deal with the way I carved the top flat and then carved into the front of the key (if you're using the OpenSCAD code, front_legend() works just like legend() but puts it on the front face of the key instead of the top).

Hope some of you enjoy it!

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