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DART (lithophane)

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Publication date 2022-11-10 at 16:18
Design number 918187

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Sorry I haven't done anything about the DART probe so far but it's because it's too complicated and I'm a beginner so I'll make LICIACube (it's a little probe that took a picture of the DART probe when it hit the moon of Didymos asteroid)

On September 27, 2022, the DART probe struck Dimorphosa at a speed of about 6.6 km / s (less than 24,000 km / h) at 01:14 CEST. It is estimated that the collision of an impactor with a mass of approx. 560 kg produced an amount of energy of the order of three tons of TNT. The decrease in Dimorphos' orbital velocity can range from 1.75 cm / s to 2.54 cm / s depending on the porosity, that is, the amount of void space in the material making up the surface of the asteroid. The last images sent by the DART probe have a resolution of 3 cm / pixel. Following the DART probe, the LICIACube probe took pictures of the Dimorphos surface with a resolution of up to 2 meters per pixel. Following the collision, ground-based observatories will measure Dimorphos' orbital changes.

In the case of a hypothetical Earth-threatening body, even such a small change, if applied early enough, could be enough to prevent the impact. Small changes in an asteroid's velocity will accumulate significantly over time and could shift the orbit of a potential threatening asteroid away from Earth's orbit by thousands of kilometers.

Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) - an unmanned space probe mission, the purpose of which was to test technologies that prevent the collision of NEO objects with the Earth. The task of the DART probe was the planned collision of the impactor with Dimorphos - the moon of the Didymos asteroid, in order to check whether the deliberate smashing of the space probe against the asteroid is an effective way to change its course. DART was launched on November 24, 2021 from Vandenberg Space Force Base, California by a Falcon 9 launch rocket and collided with the target asteroid on September 27, 2022 at 01:14 CEST

The mission was led by NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office and was entrusted to the Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) at Johns Hopkins University. It is part of the AIDA double space mission, in which the European Space Agency (ESA) also participates. This is the first mission to use technologies to prevent collisions with dangerous asteroids, and the first to use a kinetic impactor to alter the course of an asteroid. However, it should be mentioned that Dimorphos does not pose any threat to the Earth.

3D printing settings

all lithophane versions with the dart mission logo will need supports


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