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Ender 3 Stovetop Firestop Bracket

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Publication date 2022-11-24 at 02:49
Published to Thingiverse on: 2019-03-27 at 20:38
Design number 934343

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I wanted to have a little more peace of mind when leaving my printer to run for hours and hours...or overnight. I've seen so many pictures from the aftermath of printer fires that when I found my XT60 power connector on the back of my Ender 3 was heating up significantly I realized I needed to do more than just control the most common areas where fires occur.

I considered enclosure materials like sheetrock and cement board, which are rated at a certain level of fire resistance, but then realized that I'd always want my filament spool mounted on the outside (not to mention electronics), and these would act like a combination chimney / wick for a fire that started on the inside of the box, leading out.

I did some more research, and found the Stovetop Firestop (Amazon). This may not be seems like it needs to be in the flames before it triggers. I haven't tested it yet to determine exactly what the parameters are for triggering, but it seems like it's designed to smother a stove fire, which would probably be a pretty messy target. Good enough for me, I think.

That just left figuring out how to mount it, and where. From my reading, the most likely sources of fire are wiring and the power supply, so I designed a mount that would center the firestop cannister over the spot halfway between the XT60 connector and the power supply. Though in truth, this bracket will fit on any 2020 extrusion, and even fits tightly enough that you could almost mount a cannister sideways (not sure why you'd want to, though).

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