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  • 10221_ Asklepios Giustini type.stl

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3D model size X 59 Γ— Y 130 Γ— Z 46.3 mm
Publication date 2022-05-31 at 11:45
Design number 740628

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3D model description

This is an ancient marble statue of Asclepius, a hero and god of medicine in ancient Greek religion and mythology, depicted leaning on his walking-stick with a snake swirled around it. Asclepius represents the healing aspect of the medical arts, his daughters are Hygieia (Hygiene, the goddess/personification of health, cleanliness, and sanitation), Iaso (the goddess of recuperation from illness), Aceso (the goddess of the healing process), Agla (the goddess of the glow of good health), and Panacea (the goddess of universal remedy). He was associated with the Roman/Etruscan god Vediovis and the Egyptian Imhotep. He was one of Apollo's sons, sharing with Apollo the epithet Paean (the Healer). The rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff, remains a symbol of medicine today. Those physicians and attendants who served this god were known as the Therapeutae of Asclepius.


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