43 x 50 Modern House Design

43 x 50 Modern House Design 3D print model


43 x 50 House

This is the 43x50 Modern house which i've rendered on October 24, 2021 and after rendering this I thought I can make it more realistic, As you can see the 2 pictures above, these 2 are rendered with Lumion 8.5 pro and then I got up by an Idea So I downloaded the Lumion 10.5 pro and then as you can see the result of the Picture which is present in the YT Video, and I hope you would like this model, So if you are interested then let me know, and If you are impressed with my works then you can also hire me, and this model took me a lot of time to finish and the First Quality of this model was 8K from Lumion 10.5 and After making it in 8k, then it wasnt able to upload here so we turned it to 1080p and then uploaded it with the SKP and SKB files, so after that Make sure to subscribe to our YT channel and leave a positive comment and give just one Like for that video ... Thank you

Best Regards HarryTheArchitect

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43 x 50 Modern House Design
Editorial No Ai License 
43 x 50 Modern House Design
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Lumion 10.5 (.ls10)36.1 MB
  • Sketchup (.skp) (3 files)119 MBVersion: 2020Renderer: V-Ray 4Version: 2021Renderer: V-Ray 5
  • AutoCAD 2020 (.dwg)1.05 MBVersion: 2020Renderer: Octane 3
  • Lumion 8.5 (.ls8)51.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-12-05
  • Model ID#3428379
  • Ready for 3D Printing