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Magic Fairy Wings Wall Light

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3D design format
STL Folder details Close
  • Base.stl
  • Left Wing - No Recess.stl
  • Left Wing.stl
  • Right Wing - No Recess.stl
  • Right Wing.stl

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Publication date 2023-03-01 at 00:27
Design number 1091434

3D printer file info

3D model description

This is a simple light for hanging on the wall, inspired by the wings of the Touhou Project character "Cirno".

The base takes six crystals, three of each side, which each take either one or two 5mm LEDs. Additionally, there is a version of each piece without the recess for LEDs, in case you wish to modify the model for a different size or type of LED.

The base piece takes any generic MicroUSB breakout board for power. 22 AWG speaker wire was used in the wiring in my print, daisy chained from each set of lights to the next, going clockwise from the bottom-left, with a single 100Ξ© resistor before the first pair.

As designed, wiring should be tight and somewhat difficult to feed, but I did not need any additional tools for wire feeding. LEDs used in the example shown were 3.2v cold white "candle flicker" 5mm LEDs purchased online, at a price of approx. $10 for a pack of 100. This choice is simply for visual effect - any 5mm LED should do, although you should choose an LED color which complements your chosen material's color - for warmer colors, use warmer LEDs, for cooler colors, use cooler LEDs, and if you choose transparent plastic, perhaps consider "slow" color-cycling LEDs or installing one "fast" and one "slow" color-cycling LED per crystal.

Once assembly is complete, the little extensions of the "arms" of the base can be trimmed to size - they're simply as long as they are to give you leverage for gently spreading the arm while inserting the crystal piece.

3D printing settings

Base is simple enough - use tree supports as there's no face on which there's full contact with the build plate across the entire model, skirt adhesion is recommended.

For the crystals, print the left and right piece in pairs, or, if time and build space allow for it, all six pieces - three left and three right - at once.

Material used in the shown example is PLA+, printed at 195 degrees tool temp and 60 degrees bed temp.

The narrow end of the crystals may curl up, depending on your printer - My father's Ender 3 didn't experience this effect with a print that was done for a different color, but my smaller Polaroid PlaySmart did regardless of tuning and bed adjustment. This can be remedied by simply snipping the end with flush cutters, taking care to try to give it a new point when doing so, or by heating and depressing the curled end.

I cannot stress enough the importance of your infill pattern and density when printing this. In my own personal opinion, Cura's Quarter Cubic pattern at 10% infill gives the most striking visual effect for this, as it simply looks the most like cracked ice or a flawed gem, but I encourage experimentation to find something you like before you glue it all up.


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