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Modified Laptop Stand

Creation quality: 5.0/5 (1 vote)
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  • LAPTOP_STAND_v15.stl

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3D model size X 687 Γ— Y 355 Γ— Z 651 mm
Publication date 2023-03-05 at 18:51
Published to Thingiverse on: 2020-10-10 at 04:59
Design number 1099906

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3D model description

Anthony Garcia Martinez
Makerbot Thingiverse Challenge

              My name is Anthony Garcia Martinez, and I would like to present my project: The Modified laptop stand. When designing my project, I thought of students who may not have sufficient room for a desk, an adequate study area back at home, or cannot afford one. With these reasons in mind, I designed my project to be compact to save room, while also giving students enough space to hold their laptops and a retractable desk-like surface so they can write and do homework. This Modified Laptop Stand is also equipped with compartments on either side to give students the liberty to organize loose papers and even smaller sections on top to place smaller items like pencils and pens and even an external mouse. Now that students are all learning virtually, an issue that they face is the overheating of their laptops. As a solution, I decided to incorporate cooling fans under the laptop stand as well as a grate that allows airflow to go through to help prevent such issues. If I could redesign this project, I would want to remove the cooling fans and incorporate an adjustable laptop stand that allows the user to change the angle of it so they can comfortably type and use their laptops. 3D printing would help strengthen my design as it would make my product highly cost-efficient and inexpensive so all students can afford it. Using a 3D printer constructs my model with lightweight and high-temperature resistant material that would work for laptops and for students who need to carry the desk from one room to the next. Using a 3D printer would also allow a student to modify and personalize either side of the desk with emblems, words, and personalized messages.

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