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xeno creature

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  • xenocreature.stl

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Publication date 2023-03-13 at 11:43
Design number 1112613

3D printer file info

3D model description

An extraterrestial herbivore scaled to fit tabletop games and populate all those alien planets.

Every now and then I like to explore potential animals evolved on distant planets, this is one such representant of a foreign planets fauna.
It feeds on plants only and rather uses the flight instead of fight approach to predators. It does not have ears in the traditional earth sense, the stalks on its head detect vibrations in the atmosphere.

Not being cartilageous like ears on earth animals but rather build on a bony structure it has to constantly move its head for precise echo location.
Its four eyes and highly developed olfatory system are what it mainly uses to locate food and potential threats, while the auditory sensory organs only fulfill a secondary role.
The four main limbs are used to walk and run and the two minor legs/arms at the front are mainly used to grab long grass and plant material and feed on it, without having to bend the head down too much and prevent it from spotting potential predators hunting it.

Scaled to be 45mm tall, but will look great printed larger too as it is highly detailed with heavy leathery skin texture. The grass and base are not part of the model for better printing. I recommend using tufts of modeling grass to decorate the base and animal.

It doesn't have a name yet, send me a message with a suggestion if you like :D


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