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Smartphone Photo Studio for 123D Catch

Creation quality: 5.0/5 (1 vote)
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3D design format
STL Folder details Close
  • 123D_Base_and_Backdrop_Support.stl
  • 123D_Pivot_Base.stl
  • 123D_Rail.stl
  • 123D_Smartphone_Base-modified.stl
  • 123D_Smartphone_Base.stl
  • 123D_Verticle_Fixture.stl

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Publication date 2018-03-20 at 16:36
Design number 22819

3D printer file info

3D model description

Wanted to use this with 123D Catch software so I had to make a few changes. 123D Catch is designed to take images at every 15 degrees horizontally and every 45 degrees at a 45 degree angle.

The base was redesigned using a few bits from the original model (the backdrop holder and part it was attached to). It has 2 places for the rail (horizontal and 45 degrees).
I removed the rail completely from the Smartphone (frame) holder and lengthened it a bit.
I added a hole to the Smartphone (frame) holder and a screw mount so that the frame can be moved and adjusted on the rail. I used the original "A" screw for the mount.
Since the original design was for the Smartphone to stay in place and the subject be rotated around at 45 degrees, I created a new center pivot post when the vertical fixture fits into, so now the Smartphone rotates around the subject (not the other way around). Since the pivot is round, the Smartphone can rotate at any portion of a 360 degree circle.
In order to add the screw mount base to the Smartphone frame, I had to remove the holes on the left side (that the rubber band was supposed to be mounted in).
I used the following original parts (without modifications): Set-screw_A, Set-screw_B, Locking_Bracket_for_Smartphone_Shelf, Locking_Lever_for_Smartphone, and SmartphoneShelf (
I modified the hole where the rail fits into the Smartphone base slightly (opening it up a bit, it was really tight). I am keeping both parts uploaded (123D_Smartphone_Base-modified).
How to assemble:

Use double-sided tape on the bottom of the Pivot Base (non-hole end) and attach it to a surface (I used a TV Tray).
Sit the "Base and Backdrop" over the pivot base (it should be able to spin freely).
Insert the rail into the Smartphone base and use "A" screw to hold it in place.
Slide the Smartphone base/rail into the "Base and Backdrop" horizontal hole.
Place vertical fixture into the pivot base and the subject on the top of the vertical fixture holder.
How to use:

Insert Smartphone on the Smartphone base and start the "123D Catch" app on the phone.
Select "Start a New Capture".
Following the "wheel" prompts, move the Smartphone around the subject taking pictures at approximately 15 degree intervals.
Once all of the horizontal pictures have been taken, move the Smartphone Base and rail from the "Base and Backdrop" and put the rail into 45 degree slot (this will put the Smartphone above the subject).
The weight of the smartphone will sometimes drop the smartphone below the needed 45 degrees (causing the software to switch back to the horizontal mode). To remedy this, I printed this at 200% and use it to keep the smartphone at the correct height. (You could always just hold the smartphone up by hand as well, but the software is kind of sensitive.)
Take the vertical pictures and then click on the button to upload them to the cloud.
That should be it. I printed all of the modified parts without support, except for the Smartphone Base where I used supports for the two large vertical slots as well as the rail hole in the base of it.


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