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badBrick - Buzz Box, Complete Kit.

Creation quality: 5.0/5 (2 votes)
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  • bbBB29vCaseBase.stl
  • bbBBAUR3PIRTop.stl
  • bbBBAUR3PLXPIRBase.stl

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Publication date 2019-07-31 at 15:07
Design number 66411

3D printer file info

3D model description

The Buzz Box is a complete kit. Its awesome for learning the basics to program and play with an Arduino UNO R3.

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The "kit" is fully assembled and works as a basic motion detector unit. If you want to learn programming, or get your kids excited about what a computer and electronics can do, this is a great way to start. This kit requires it all. You need to get all the Arduino IDE set up, all the electronics connected. You need to write the code, compile it, upload it, and waaaaala. Magic happens.

For the most part its pretty simple if you know what you're doing.. For kids, its using a computer, having fun, and make something move. They learn a ton of stuff in the process without realizing it. They will want to know more.

If you want to make one yourself. Print the files. Our Kit includes:

1. Arduino UNO R3

2. Parallax PIR sensor, with extension wires.

3. Piezo buzzer, with extension wires.

4. LED

5. (2) 9 Volt batteries wired in parallel, with the Arduino Power plug adapter. This is the Power Pack for the Buzz Box.

6. A pre loaded basic motion sensing sketch and the downloadable source code.

3D printing settings

In MakerWare, I modify the "Medium" settings:

Quality: Layer Height = 0.18

Infill: 15%

Shells: 2

For the battery base box, Arduino + Sensor Mount base, and top cover.

All other defaults are the same.

Building the Buzz Box.

Print all the parts..

Wiring up the Echo Box is pretty easy. The Arduino just sits in the base mount. The PIR Sensor just mounts in the end. I solider on some short solid jumper wires to the PIR, pins and plug them in.

The Piezo buzzer, with extension wires mounts in the small hole at the top. The LED plugs in the sides, its wires should extend right down to pin 13

Hopefully that explained it all. Some of the pictures above also show the assembly. If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to comment.


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