Bobbins for intarsia

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When I had the privilege of meeting nophead and his good lady last month, one of the questions I was asked was whether I had made lots of useful things for my wife. Reluctantly, I had to admit that I had only made her a keyring, so far. My opportunity came yesterday when she asked me for help with a specific problem. My wife enjoys making things as well but her filaments are more of the sewing and knitting variety. Recently, she has been experimenting with a kind of knitting called intarsia, which calls for lots of different coloured strands of wool to be in use at the same time to build a picture. You'll get the idea from this video (skip to 3:30 to see the bobbins). I designed the basic shape in Tinkercad and then did a bit of tweaking in Blender. She was delighted with the result and now understands how useful my expensive new toy can really be.

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818 KB
205 KB


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