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  • Galactus_bust_with_Stand_-_Thingiverse_-_Techtek.stl

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Publication date 2021-05-18 at 21:03
Design number 430239

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Galactus, also known as the World Eater, is a comic book character, a cosmic entity within the Marvel universe of Marvel Comics. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, it debuted in Fantastic Four # 48, the beginning of a story arc sometimes considered to be the best collaboration between Lee and Kirby.

When Galactus threatened to destroy the Earth, the Fantastic Four (aided by Watchman Uatu and Galactus's rebellious herald, the Silver Surfer) defeated him by threatening him with the Total Nullifier. Galactus vowed never to try to attack Earth again.

Initially introduced as a villain, his role in the Universe was later clarified in a trial where several races were trying to decide the fate of Reed Richards - who was being tried for saving Galactus' life and, therefore, being co-responsible for the lives that Devourer of Worlds took off after this, as in the act of consuming the host world of the Skrull empire, for example. Through a testimony from Odin - only fully accepted after the intervention of the cosmic entity Eternity - it was made public that its function is to find a safe planet that would be able to survive the next entropy of the universe, since Galactus himself would be the only survivor of an earlier entropy. [2]

Despite being known as the World Devourer, Galactus was unable to feed on the mother planet of the Specters. The corruption of the Specter race was so great that it was able to contaminate the planet on which they lived, making it inadequate.

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ender 3pro




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