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Polestar 2 sunglasses holder

Creation quality: 5.0/5 (2 votes)
Evaluation of members on the printability, utility, level of detail, etc.


3D design format
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  • ps2_sunglasses_holder.stl
  • ps2_sunglasses_holder_with_supports.stl

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Publication date 2021-05-26 at 00:28
Design number 436252

3D printer file info

3D model description

The Polestar 2 doesn't have any good location to store sunglasses in my opinion, at least not unless you also keep them in a case/cover to protect them (allowing for storage in door bins or center console pockets).

So I decided to fix that, and I found what I would consider a nice solution. In the ceiling, there is a protrusion in the headliner where the logo projector is. This is a good location to keep sunglasses, easy to reach and very accessible. So to be able to use this location, I created a custom holder which simply clips onto the edge of the headliner, which then holds the sunglasses in a horizontal position with the lenses pointing up towards the glass roof. To take the glasses down from the holder is simply a matter of grabbing them by the temples/arms and lifting them up and over the "nose" of the holder. No chance of getting finger smudges on the lenses.

The holder should be fairly universal, and I have tested a number of different pairs of sunglasses (and prescription glasses too), but I am certain there will be some that doesn't fit, so no explicit guarantee of fit can be given.

It is also possible to add a thin layer of double sided sticky tape to the inside upper lip of the holder for additional holding strength. In 3D printing there will always be varying tolerances, so the end result will differ a little from printer to printer.

Note that it has been designed to fit in the center of the protrusion, if clipped on towards one of the sides, it will probably not work as well.

Video showing how to use:

3D printing settings

Two files are available. They are the same model, but one of the files comes with built-in supports. If you are printing this file, then make sure to disable support generation in your slicer. The support clearance in this file is 0.2 mm, so I would recommend to print with this layer height. The support should break free fairly easy, but some work with a sharp knife and sandpaper is most likely necessary. If you print the file without the built-in supports, then you must enable supports in your slicer, but only the protruding "nose" needs support on a FDM printer. I would think this also prints nicely on a resin printer, in which case the file without built-in supports will probably be preferable (instead add supports in slicer as required).

Make sure to print in the correct orientation to maintain the necessary strength and flexibility in the part that clips onto the projector edge. Due to the varying temperature inside the car, this holder should be printed in a material that can withstand some temperature (PLA is probably not a great choice here).

Due to the fairly thin parts against the build plate, bed adhesion/lifting could be an issue. If so, adding a brim usually solves the problem, and is fairly easy to clean up afterwards (again a sharp knife and possibly sandpaper).

Note: If you purchase these files, you only have the right to make copies for personal use. You may not create copies for others.


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