Polski Fiat 126 P with interior 3D model

Polski Fiat 126 P with interior 3D model 3D print model


Model ready to print to 3D printer. All major parts of the model are represented as separate parts, so it is easy to modify or delete objects.

Scale Model •1:8•1:10•1:14•1:18• 1:24•1:25•1:28•1:32•1:35•1:43•

*** In order to obtain quality parts, it is desirable to print small parts on an SLA printer.

*** Other scales: Yeah, I can do it. Write me a personal message Or leave a comment below this model.

Model avalible in STL format for printing SLA or FDM. Geometry is healed, and fixed all the bad with software.

I am very grateful to you for choosing my 3D models to print on 3D printer.


The Fiat 126 is an urban car produced by Fiat and introduced to the public in October 1972 at the Turin Motor Show as a replacement for the Fiat 500. Most of the machines were manufactured in Poland under the name Polski Fiat 126p.

jd94 2021-09-18 14:33:20 UTC
awesome work!
siubiela 2021-07-21 08:01:03 UTC
can you ask for wheels for the model. preferably TPU tires
itman3d 2021-07-21 08:19:49 UTC
at the moment I cannot help you because I am on a business trip. a little later I will write to you
vyviora0 2020-11-15 10:34:48 UTC
Can you make some wheels for it? Because i wanna buld an rc car.
itman3d 2020-11-15 16:13:34 UTC
Write me a private message.
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Polski Fiat 126 P with interior 3D model
Editorial No Ai License 
Polski Fiat 126 P with interior 3D model
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (10 files)346 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-04-15
  • Model ID#2370937
  • Ready for 3D Printing