HotDQ - Tarbaw Nighthill - Governor of Greenest

HotDQ - Tarbaw Nighthill - Governor of Greenest 3D print model


Ahoy there, welcome aboard!

Tarbaw Nighthill is the governor of Greenest, he will be part of the miniature set of the d&d 5e adventure Hoard of the dragon queen first part of the Tyranny of Dragons storyline, then other characters and monsters will arrive! Follow the store so you don’t miss them

Files are fully hand Pre-Supported and test printed NO automatic supports ZERO unsupported area!

I'd like to see your print or paint work! post it here if you want :D

---------- Keep updated! Follow me :D ----------

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HotDQ - Tarbaw Nighthill - Governor of Greenest
Royalty Free License 
HotDQ - Tarbaw Nighthill - Governor of Greenest
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)58.3 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-07-27
  • Model ID#4665873
  • Ready for 3D Printing