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wwf wwe wingle eagle championship

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  • wwe wingle eagle placa del centro (1).stl

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3D model size X 0.595 Γ— Y 0.493 Γ— Z 0.061 mm
Publication date 2023-08-06 at 19:19
Design number 1367127

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In 1991, World Championship Wrestling (WCW), a member of the NWA, established the WCW World Heavyweight Championship to replace the NWA World Title. In 1993, WCW split from the NWA and grew to become a rival promotion to the WWF. Both organizations gained prominence in the mainstream and eventually became embroiled in a television ratings war , dubbed Monday Night Wars . Near the end of the ratings war, WCW began a financial decline , culminating in WWF's purchase of WCW in March 2001. [5] As a result of the purchase, WWF acquired, among other assets, WCW's championships. Thus, there were two world titles in the WWF: the original WWF Championship and the WCW Championship, which was eventually renamed the "World Championship." [6] [7]

In December 2001, the two championships were unified at Vengeance . At the event, Stone Cold Steve Austin defeated Kurt Angle to retain the WWF Championship, while Chris Jericho defeated The Rock for the World Championship. After this, Jericho then defeated Austin, unifying the WWF and World Championships, and becoming the first WWF Undisputed Champion; Undisputed retained the WWF Championship lineage and retired the World Championship. [8] Subsequently, the Big Eagle Belt (formerly representing the WWF Championship) and the Big Gold Belt(formerly representing the World Championship) were used in conjunction to represent the Undisputed Championship . [9] [10] [11] Jericho held the championship for four months until he lost it at WrestleMania X8 to Triple H , who shortly thereafter received a single championship belt. [12]

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