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Instrumento musical - Expansor para dedos

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  • Instrumento_musical_-_Expansor_para_dedos.stl

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3D model size X 140 × Y 24.6 × Z 15 mm
Publication date 2023-08-17 at 14:48
Published to Thingiverse on: 2020-11-14 at 23:20
Design number 1391640

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3D model description

Instrumento musical - Expansor para dedos

Você já teve a ideia de virar um maker? Pois bem, eu tive e entrei com tudo nesse universo e comecei a fazer coisas.

A galera chinesa está vendendo um acessório curioso, o expansor de dedos, onde a mágica é fazer os dedos ficarem mais distantes um dos outros na hora de dedilhar as cordas, teclas, ..., etc. Bora desenhar um e imprimir da impressora 3D.


Comprimento Total: 139mm
Espaçamento entre os círculos: 20/21/18mm
Diâmetro interno do furo médio do dedo e do dedo do anel: 20.5mm
Dedo indicador e pequeno diâmetro interno do furo do dedo: 19mm/17mm/7.4mm/6.6mm

Musical instrument - Finger expander

Have you ever had the idea of becoming a maker? Well, I had and got into everything in this universe and started doing things.

The Chinese crowd is selling a curious accessory, the finger expander, where the magic is to make your fingers stand apart from each other when strumming strings, keys, ..., etc. Let's draw one and print from the 3D printer.


Total length: 139mm
Spacing between circles: 20/21 / 18mm
Inner diameter of middle finger hole and ring finger: 20.5mm
Index finger and small finger hole internal diameter: 19mm / 17mm / 7.4mm / 6.6mm


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