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Prosthetic legs and lower body transplant for jetbike-riding Space Elf Clowns of the Han Solo Era

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3D design format
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  • jetbiker legs.stl

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3D model size X 16.3 Γ— Y 11.2 Γ— Z 16.6 mm
Publication date 2023-08-22 at 14:01
Design number 1401664

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3D model description

Everyone knows the best way to stop cyclists using a B-road is to go out at night and stretch razor-wire between two trees.

In the Grim Darkness of the 41st Millennium, this civic duty is performed by little green fellows, with monomolecular wire.

And that's why when you get the models down from the loft, some of them are missing their whole lower bodies. Not the heads, or the guns, or the torsos, or the front of the bike - which can all be converted easily - the legs, which (in Jes Goodwin's bizarre mind in 1986) hold the whole fricking model together.

Thanks to the wonders of 3d printing, these unfortunate space-elfs can again straddle their over-priced antique war machines, and make baby space elfs and whatnot.


This fanart is purely a kitbash made from the following Free/Creative Commons parts and all credit goes to their respective creators:-

3D printing settings

TESTED - Saturn 2 - 22/08/2023

As multi-part models, the Rogue-Trader Harlequin jetbikes were pretty ropey. Absolutely iconic sculpts, but by the time they were moulded and cast, hands didn't meet up with handlebars, feet didn't touch pedals, and there was no right way to glue them together.

Some green stuff will be needed where the waist joins the torso - but overall it's "good enough". Thanks to CaddyH11 for making an elf jetbike with reasonably cut and paste-able legs.


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