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Tether Tool Block, Tether Tool for camera

Creation quality: 5.0/5 (1 vote)
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3D design format
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  • base_cable1 v6.3mf

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Publication date 2023-05-17 at 16:34
Design number 1225365

3D printer file info

3D model description

Tether Tools cable block, is used to hold the cable that connects the camera and the computer, so it does not pull and deteriorate the cable entry to the camera.

Whether it bothers you that the cable is pulled or buy a more expensive one, this is the solution.

Tether Tools cable block, used to hold the cable that connects the camera and the computer, so it does not pull and damage the cable entry to the camera.

If you are already bothered by the cable pulling or buy a more expensive one, this is the solution.

Dimensions: 4cm x 8cm

if you want for a special camera send me the measurements and I'll make it for you.

3D printing settings


layer height: 0.28

walls: 5

Top and bottom layer: 5

Speed: 50

stuffed: 35%

support: yes, nothing more for the screw entry, but if not there is no problem

It has an M6 x 1.00 mm x 12 mm screw, you adapt a butterfly to it, I put a cube on it because it is more comfortable for me, it is the type that blenders have on the tip


layer height: 0.28

walls: 5

top and bottom layer: 5

Speed: 50

Filling: 35% but that well at 20%.

Support: yes, just for the screw inlet, but otherwise no problem.

It takes a screw of M6 x 1.00 mm x 12 mm you adapt a butterfly, I put a bucket because for me it is more comfortable, it is one of those who carry the blenders at the tip.


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