Daniel in The Lions Den - Digital Sculpture - STL files

Daniel in The Lions Den - Digital Sculpture - STL files 3D print model


ENGLISH Daniel in the Lions' Den is a well-known story from the Bible that ends with Daniel, a prophet, being thrown into a den with lions, but to King Darius' surprise, Daniel was alive, being protected by an angel.

This sculpture aims to portray that scene. 18cm tall. Upon purchasing it, if you can credit the sculpture by tagging my Instagram profiles @gugatoys.studio and @gustavobritocg, I will be grateful!

BRAZILIAN PORTUGUESE Daniel na Cova dos Leões é uma história bem conhecida da Bíblia que termina com Daniel, um profeta, sendo jogado em uma cova com leões, mas para a surpresa do rei Dario, Daniel estava vivo, sendo protegido por um anjo. Esta escultura visa retratar essa cena. 18cm de altura. Ao adquiri-la, se puder dar os créditos da escultura marcando meus perfis no Instagram @gugatoys.studio e @gustavobritocg, ficarei grato!

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Daniel in The Lions Den - Digital Sculpture - STL files
Custom License 
Daniel in The Lions Den - Digital Sculpture - STL files
Custom License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)1.34 GB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-10-16
  • Model ID#4054622
  • Ready for 3D Printing