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Siege Leviathan

Creation quality: 5.0/5 (1 vote)
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  • 9 collections

3D design format
RAR and STL Folder details Close
  • Bombard + Graviton Chassis V3.rar
  • Bombard + Graviton Chassis.stl
  • Common Parts V3.rar
  • LYS File V3.rar
  • Pintle Mounts and Accessories.rar
  • Spicula Rocket Chassis V3.rar

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Last update 2024-03-10 at 05:14
Publication date 2024-03-08 at 21:08
Design number 1841618

3D printer file info

3D model description

The Siege Leviathan, a behemoth on treads, dominates the battlefield with an ominous presence. Clad in layered ceramite plating adorned with ancient battle insignias, this seige tank exudes an aura of unstoppable force.

Its massive siege cannon, an unforgiving arbiter of destruction, looms above the chassis, ready to unleash devastation upon distant fortifications. Equipped with advanced targeting systems, the Leviathan ensures pinpoint accuracy, turning enemy strongholds into rubble with ruthless efficiency. The tank's adaptive armor and rapid deployment capabilities make it a versatile juggernaut, an indomitable force that turns the tide of warfare, leaving nothing but echoes of its formidable might.

Utilises 10mmx1mm magnets for sponsons and main weapon swaps (bombard to Graviton only) , can take OG hatches. Comes in many differing fit outs for you to print as you see fit or use my tested supported versions

2 Hull versions are supplied - one for the bombard and the graviton weapon the other for the missile Turret Weapon options

Sponson Mounts Include
1. Heavy Bolts
2. Lascannon
3. Flamer
4. Volkite

Hatch Arrangements:
1. Pintle Mounted
2. Closed hatch
3. Open top - will fit OG gunners

Now Includes Pintle mount and Accessories Pack
1. Pintle - Heavy Bolter
2. Pintle - Flamer
3. Pintle - Multimelta
4. Pintle - twin Bolters
5. Searchlight
6. Hunterkiller Missile
7. Havoc Missile Pack

Comes fully supported, and hollow in both large printers and small printers. This has been test printed many many times to ensure perfect prints consistently.

As with all my chassis', i have designed it to hide hollowing holes and joins to ensure a high quality print. the tracks can be printed separately to ensure less support requirements and provide a cleaner install with these repair work required.

As always let me know any feedback as its always good to improve the designs where I can.

Comes fully supported in to fit the following small build plates
- Anycubic Photon Mono 4k
- Anycubic Photon mono
- Elegoo Mars 2
- Elegoo Mars 3
and it has been orientated better for all the usual bigger printers such as saturns and anycubic Photon M3 etc

Stay Safe and happy printing

Not affiliated with GW in any shape or form, all likeness is coincidental

3D printing settings

Resin Printers are preferred however can be done with filament


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