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Guardian Dragon Ancestral Terrasque

Creation quality: 5.0/5 (1 vote)
Evaluation of members on the printability, utility, level of detail, etc.

  • 1 collection

3D design format
STL Folder details Close
  • AnC_TeRrAsQuE.stl
  • CaStLe.stl

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Publication date 2024-03-10 at 15:20
Design number 1844693

3D printer file info

3D model description

Terrasque, creatures bringing chaos, reign on the earth, the only limit for them is not being able to fly like dragons even though they are so similar.
Few people knows that many centuries ago there existed creatures capable of making the very definition of "strength" useless by being able to destroy entire civilizations without too much effort.the gods of that world, worried about the survival of the other species, had to intervene by dividing the power of these creatures in order to create two different halves fighting with each other... the terrasques and the dragons... it is rumored that from some leaves in a remote place, an ancestor has escaped the gods and protects a mysterious tower... will the Ancestral Terrasque return?...

3D printing settings

The tower and the dragon are divided into two stl files.
The printing duration for a size of approximately 10cm per object is 9 hours with a layer of 0.05mm and with a layer thickness of 2mm for resin printers (like the sample printed in the photos). I recommend using light supports (based on the weight of the object) in order to remove them easily.
In the case of water-washable resin, immerse the figure in hot water to remove the supports more easily.


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