Undermount Desk Drawer for Ender3 Size Printer

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Undermount Desk Drawer for Ender3 Size Printer


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This is a slide out desk drawer than can be printed on a Ender3 size printer (you can find a larger CR10 size drawer here - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4102374). 


There is also a cable management clip which will allow a USB cable to be passed into the drawer and secured to it using a zip tie if needed. I did not test how much weight this can hold, though the dovetail rail does seem to be pretty strong. I plan to use it for storing some office supplies and a phone.


There are some cable management parts included now also.

There are 3 versions of the drawer:


undermount-drawer-ENDER3-2A-DRAWER.stl (69mm tall)
undermount-drawer-ENDER3-2A-DRAWER-TALL.stl (85mm tall)
undermount-drawer-ENDER3-2A-CUBBY.stl (69mm tall - no handle, open front)


The drawer requires the following hardware (not including mounting hardware):


2x M4 brass inserts
2x M4 x 14 (or 16)mm button head screws for mounting the handle


The Cubby does not require any hardware since it has no handle.


Optionally a M4 nut and M4 screw can be used to "lock" the drawer, though that is probably more trouble that it is worth.


To install the handle, I first heat set the M4 inserts into it, then the handle inserts are placed in the pockets of the handle (they can be glued or not, does not matter). Then attach the handle with the inserts on the drawer. If the inserts are too tight, either scale then down to 99% and re-print them or sand them. Then use the two M4x14mm screws to install the handle.


I printed mine in 0.2mm resolution using a 0.4mm nozzle. I suggest printing with 3 walls minimum and 20% gyroid infill worked for mine. Sorry no pics, but it turned out pretty well.


The STEP file is included for easy remixing. If you make one please post a make and if you have feedback, please post a comment.

Parts are not oriented for printing,


Category: Organization (imported from Printables)


If you find these models useful, please post a like or a comment with some pics of your prints. 

You can find the other things I'm working on at my blog here.  You can also follow me here or on Printables, to see what new stuff I post.  If you would like to support my work, you can Buy Me A Coffee using this link:



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