Modular Wall Hooks / Key Hooks

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Modular Wall Hooks / Key Hooks


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

Complete Sets
Complete Sets
6.4 h
4 plates

Individual Pieces
Individual Pieces
12.5 h
17 plates




These are wall hooks that you commonly see by a front or back door to hang keys.

With this model, they are modular: there are multiple styles & sizes of hooks and bases, which you can mix-and-match to customize.


The uploaded profiles might look like a lot, but you simply pick the plate(s) with the style or combination you like the most, and print only those.



---------- Assembly ----------


All hooks are inserted into the base from the back. When the base is screwed to the wall, the hooks are held firmly in place.



Push the hook part in through from the back (it will probably be a tight fit), and it will wedge into the base.

There are arrows on both the hooks and base to quickly see how they should line up, and the notch on one side adds stability while ensuring that all hooks are pointing up.




---------- Strength ----------


By printing the hooks on their sides, they are much stronger than hooks that are printed pointing up, since hanging items don't create stress along the layer lines. The base and hooks should be more than strong enough to hold all the usual “by the door” items - keys, glasses, flashlights, or even light jackets.

When I say “strong,” I mean comparatively… Please don't try to do pull ups from them or hang your dumbbell collection.


The 250mm base is wide enough that it flexes in the middle if any real weight is added to those hooks. It's still strong, but bends just enough that the hook might feel loose. So the 6-hook version of the 250mm base has a 3rd screw hole in the center.


I've had good luck with good old PLA from Bambu and Sunlu. PLA is known to warp over time when under stress, so a heavier item may eventually cause a hook to bend or snap. Strong filaments like PETG, ABS, and ASA should hold up even better, but if you're just hanging light items like keys, PLA is fine.



---------- Styles ----------


There are 3 sizes for the base (the part that screws to the wall).

  • 250 mm (~10")
    • with 5 or 6 slots for hooks
  • 200 mm (~8")
    • with 5 or 6 slots for hooks
  • 150 mm (~6")
    • with 4 or 5 slots for hooks

There are 10 styles of hooks, 5 each of curved and straight. Any hook fits in any base - you can mix 'em up as much as you want.





---------- Print Profiles ----------


Complete Sets has a few premade options. Just print the single plate you want. Color 1 is the base, and Color 2 is the hooks.


Individual Pieces has each available piece on its own plate, allowing you to select the exact combination you want.





---------- Print Settings ----------



  • 0.20mm Standard (one of the default Bambu Studio profiles) with a few changes:
    • 3 Wall Loops
    • 5 Bottom Shell layers (and 5 Top Shell)
    • Cubic sparse infill

The print profiles use these settings.

The “Complete Sets” profile also uses Print By Object instead of Print By Layer (under the Others tab). If you assign 2 different colors, then it will fully print one object in Color 1, then print the next object in Color 2. This way, there's only 1 filament change, not dozens (so faster and much less waste).



Layer Height Changes:

You could print the bases with a smaller layer height for a slightly cleaner look if preferred. They are 8mm tall, so ideally use 0.2, 0.16, 0.1, or 0.08mm.

The hooks are 5mm tall, which isn't cleanly divisible by most heights, so the hooks need to be printed with either 0.2 or 0.1mm to prevent the slicer from rounding.




I did not include this in the profiles, as everyone seems to have slightly different results and preferences with top surface ironing. Feel free to turn it on, and if you have good results, let me know what settings you used.












I'm open to feedback here. If you have an idea for a different hook or base, let me know.



Feel free to remix, but not sell.


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