Storage Tree - Leaf for PRUSA Tools

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Storage Tree - Leaf for PRUSA Tools


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
6.6 h
2 plates




This module is part of the Storage Tree project.

there’s no need for an MMU on this project. Only one material change

In case you've come across this model and are unsure of where it fits or its context, let me bring you up to speed...

What is the Storage Tree or Modular Storage Tree.

What can you store on this "Leaf":


This is part of a larger project, which I've decided to call "Storage Tree," structured like a tree with a common trunk, branches, and respective leaves. The branches of PRUSA already contain two leaves among others, more generic "Storage Leafs," which can be used to store various items.

An example of an assembly

The other PRUSA Leaf

Structural stability and equilibrium

It's a simple system, yet elegant and easy to use. Contrary to the common argument that a drawer system would take up less space, I disagree because the drawer needs to be opened, requiring space in front of it. I understand this is debatable, so I won't dwell on it further. Instead, I'll leave you with a link to one of my drawer-based projects (MMSS) if that's what you're looking for (if you find this interesting for PRUSA, please leave me a message).


Material in use



  • For me Prusament filament is never a miss for is extremely high quality.

For PLA:

if you go with PETG:

Since I have a LOT of other brand filament, the example you see here was printed in a Prusa Mk4 using this material:


The files were prepared and sliced with care, with fine configurations added to achieve a balance between print time and quality.

  • The file “Prusa_tool_Base.3mf” contains a total of 2 pauses, with the first and last needing to magnetically align on top of each other.
    • Magnets:
      • Ensure that the magnets on the base attract the Storage Leaf below.

Ensure that the magnets are fully seated in their pockets (Nextruder nozzle does not attract magnets, but if you are using other material on the nozzle it is better to use a bit of superglue to lock the magnets on the pocket they are inserted).

If any magnets protrude above the pocket, the nozzle may come into contact with them, potentially causing damage to the nozzle and extruder.

I do not take responsibility for any damage that may occur.

  • The file “PRUSA Leaf-TopSkin.3mf” should only be removed when the build plate is cold. It is a thin part and forcing removal could result in breakage. It is best to use the 0.1mm layer thickness on this one. If you have the time, the best result will be obtained with the 0.25mm nozzle.
    • This part uses snap fit pins, but nevertheless you will need some glue (this will not be needed when I have a MMU3)... Apply superglue, or contact glue, prior to put the TopSkin in place, you will not have any problem with contact glue regarding the time of application, but for superglue… you have to be fast! I've done it with Super Glue 3 - Power Gel, with this you have a couple of minutes to apply, so o stress with this one ;)
    • Ensure that all pillars are fully inserted and press a little on all areas that are in contact with the base so they do not lift (the snapfit will help a lot on this)
  • If possible, use the Smooth PEI or the Satin sheet for thir part “PRUSA Leaf-TopSkin_tools.3mf
    • for better results. Additionally, if available, use the 0.25mm nozzle.
  • The file “PRUSA_Lateral_Label.3mf” offers the same options for 0.4mm and 0.25mm nozzles. Like the last one, the best possible print is achieved for those using the 0.25mm nozzle.

The Top Skin result using a 0.25mm Nextruder Prusa Nozzle

Change Log

  • (30-03-2024) - Initial release
  • (31-03-2024) - Changes were made to file “Prusa_tools_Base.3mf” that lower the IPA position of the Spray bottle and Prusa Screwdriver

Support the designer:

This design is free for the benefit of the community, but If you like my designs and want to contribute, you can make a donation to buymeacoffee or paypal, or even better, join “My Club” here in, that will be greatly appreciated.

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