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PAWPRINTS - Dog sniff training toy

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  • FInal box.stl
  • Final Lid.stl

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Publication date 2024-04-04 at 20:17
Design number 1901496

3D printer file info

3D model description

I have designed this toy to do scent training with my dog. The toy is designed to be tough.

Simply insert a scent into the toy, screw it shut and hide the toy. ALWAYS SUPERWISE YOUR DOG!

I recommend using a small ziploc bag with spices (e.g Cloves, Cinnamon, Thyme or Oregano) pierce the bag multiple times so that scent can escape. You can also insert your dogs favourite treats. As your dog gets better use different scents such as worn socks etc

I recommend printing in red. As per one of my images dogs do not see red so it blends in well with grass while making it easy to see for yourself.

Training guidelines:
Begin training indoors in a familiar and quiet environment to minimize distractions.

Introduce the Toy: Show the toy to your dog and let them sniff it.

Introduce the "find it" command by showing your dog the toy and saying "find it" in an enthusiastic tone. As soon as your dog shows interest or touches the toy, reward them with praise and a treat.

Once your dog understands the "find it" command, hide the toy in an easy-to-find location, such as behind a piece of furniture or under a pillow. Start with simple hiding spots and gradually increase the difficulty as your dog improves.

Initially, guide your dog to the hidden toy by pointing or leading them to the location. Use the "find it" command as you guide them.

When your dog successfully finds the toy, praise them enthusiastically and reward them with treats or playtime with the toy.

As your dog becomes more proficient, increase the difficulty by hiding the toy in different rooms or areas of the house. You can also hide it in more challenging locations, such as inside a box or behind multiple obstacles.

Consistent practice is key to reinforcing the behavior. Set aside short training sessions each day to keep your dog engaged and motivated.

3D printing settings

Print with 4-5 walls, I have not had the dog bite through it at this thickness though I take the box away as soon as she finds it.

No supports required.


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