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Star Wars Chess Board for MrBaddeleys chess pieces at 50%

Creation quality: 5.0/5 (1 vote)
Evaluation of members on the printability, utility, level of detail, etc.


3D design format
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  • Chess_Board_for_MRB_pieces_at_50pct_v3_BLACK.3mf
  • Chess_Board_for_MRB_pieces_at_50pct_v3_BORDER.3mf
  • Chess_Board_for_MRB_pieces_at_50pct_v3_WHITE.3mf

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Publication date 2024-01-23 at 12:26
Published to Thingiverse on: 2023-08-24 at 15:04
Design number 1733062

3D printer file info

3D model description

How I printed it in multiple colors:

I imported all three files into my slicer (Cura), then positioned them cenetered on the build plate and rotated them upside down. (I have a textured workspace that gives a nice textures on the prints, and I wanted that on the board surface.) You can print it right side up, but the process of setting the colors will be slightly different; the filament changes will be at the end of the print instead of in the beginning. Make sure to select all the files/models when moving/rotating so they don't get out of alignment.

I sliced with .25mm layer heights. The inset is .5mm deep, and the depth of the grooves between the squares is 1mm. That gives a total of four layers where you'll need to juggle between filaments. Apply settings according to whatever printer and filament you're using.

There is probably a way to do this in the slicer (may require plugins), but I found it easier to do manually.

I imported the gcode file into a text editor. (I recommend a plain text editor, not Word or anything else that might think it a good idea to add junk characters to your file). I then searched for the file extension (.3mf). The first hit was the "...BORDER.3mf". I wanted the border black, so that means I should start with black filament in the extruder. I searched for the extension (.3mf) again, and the next hit was the "....WHITE.3mf". I added the gcode "M600" to the line above like so:

;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 WHITE.3mf

I then kept searching for the file extension (.3mf). and added the M600 before each of the ones where I wanted different colors for the first four layers. A total of 8 (eight) M600 commands should be added for two color printing. If you want the border a separate color you'll need M600 before each ;MESH line change inside the gcode for the first four layers.

If you want the contrasted look you need to change which parts you set white/black colors to.

This is a simplification on how I modified my gcode; my files were in the order "border, white, black". Yours may be different, so pay attention. The M117 is optional, it just adds some text to the display on your printer.

;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 BORDER.3mf
M117 White filament
;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 WHITE.3mf
M117 Black filament
;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 BLACK.3mf
M117 White filament
;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 WHITE.3mf
M117 Black filament
;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 BLACK.3mf
M117 White filament
;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 WHITE.3mf
M117 Black filament
;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 BLACK.3mf
M117 White filament
;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 WHITE.3mf
M117 Black filament
;MESH:Chess Board for MRB pieces at 50pct v3 BLACK.3mf


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