The Friendly Bookworm: a playful bookend with a "Worms" creature

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The Friendly Bookworm: a playful bookend with a "Worms" creature

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Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
0.16mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill
15 h
1 plate



Update: 4/16/23

Added a single color 3MF for the worm body with seam painted already and support blocker for people using OrcaSlicer/Bambu Slicer.

Update: 4/11/23

Updated model and added better printing approaches and instructions.

Update 2: Better suggested multi-material orientation, see comments below!

Update 3: Added a merged worm for single-color printing of the worm separately from the bookend parts. Reworded instructions and file names to be more clear.


The bookend contest mentioned bookworms, but I was sad not to see any, particularly not my favorite worm, from the Worms Series.

As a kid of the 90s' I fondly remember this critter gleefully blasting my way through digital landscapes. It occurred to me that this happy little mascot would be a great bookworm, too!

Depending on your multi-color printing capabilities there are a few different ways to print this one, and I've tried to cater to as many people as possible who may not have multi-color printing in order to enable everyone to enjoy the little guy.


Printing - General

  • Only a little bit of support is needed for the upper lip for the front model. The tail model is designed to not need support.
  • For the front model auto generated tree-supports should work if you're printing in the recommended approach (see pictures). If you print in the all-in-one, you might have to fiddle with the supports a little. In the upright worm print orientation, using a support blocker on the inside of the mouth area can be useful to avoid tree supports inside the mouth.
  • Painting the seam on the back of the worm is a good idea, makes it look nicer.


Splitting the bookend body from the worm (recommended method )

  • This is the method I used with my Bambu X1 + 4-color AMS, so that the bookcase is a different color from the worm body and all the other parts (5 colors total).
  • This is also for people who want to print the worm + tail in one flesh tone color and the bookcase in another and to just paint the worm eyes, brow, tongue details. This option is probably best for people without multi-color printing.
  • Print the following files:
    • BookWorm_Split_TailSideBase + BookWorm_Split_Tail
    • BookWorm_Split_BodySideBase + BookWorm_Split_BodySingleColor
    • Note: If printing the worm multi color, use: BookWorm_Split_Body instead of BookWorm_Split_BodySingleColor . This will let you easily color the parts in the slicer.
Assembling split-piece prints:
  1. Print each part (see above).
  2. Glue parts in place with glue of your choice.
Multi-color printing the worm:
  • If you choose to multi-color print the worm instead of painting it, this note is for you.
  • After printing the worm vertically myself in 4 colors as shown in the gallery above, and getting annoyed it took so long and wasted filament, it dawned on me that I should've printed him sideways, which leads to many less filament changes and a much shorter time to print (like ½ the time !). Don't make the mistake I made of printing him vertically.. and instead print him like this:
  • Mixed-mode printing suggestion: The black filament I used bled into the lighter colors (beige, and white in particular) where there was overlap when printing. Maybe print the small black parts (eyes and brows) separately on a raft and glue them in place, instead (another.. yea.. that would've been smarter learning lesson). Doing it this way should produce a lot less waste and should be faster.
  • Alternative: Print the Eyes and brows in the base worm beige color and simply color them in with a black sharpie carefully. Since sharpies come in black commonly and apply well against light backgrounds, this may save you the hassle I made for myself.

All-in-one Prints (special cases)

  • For people who can handle printing everything (including the bookend parts) in one color and painting it, OR who have 5-color printing capability and want to assign colors in their slicer, I've provided all-in-one models (2x 3MF and a single big STEP).
  • Printing in one go offers the advantage of having the worm help support one of the bookends more structurally than separate assembly.
  • Simply print each of the all-in-one files and color it (or not) to your liking.
  • Print the following files:
    • BookWorm_Front
    • BookWorm_BackTail


Other Notes

  • When loading the single 3MFs into your slicer, you should click “yes” if you get a dialog like this, otherwise the parts may become dissociated from one another in space and won't print right .



P.S. I redesigned/remixed the fanart worm someone else made (thanks for the model!) in Fusion 360. I'm generally not great at organic shapes yet, and I struggled mightily just to get the tail to curl and the eyes to work out right. I probably should learn Blender one day..

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