MedalDisplay - Shelves Addon

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MedalDisplay - Shelves Addon


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Updates - 26 July 2023:

  • 06-Aug-23 - Added a diagram with sizes in mm to better explain where pieces go
  • 02-Aug-23 - added MedalDisplay - Omnipositional Shelf Pins
  • 31-Jul-23 - added 140mm and 160mm depths for Thick Shelves
  • 28-Jul-23 - 80mm, 100mm and 120mm depth shelves for the Thick type, these extra deep shelves aren't suited to the Thin and U Shape shelf
  • 26-Jul-23 - Added Centred Shelf Pins for more shelving position options. Sorry I forgot them!


For use with MedalDisplay - The Modular 3D Printable Display Case

A Large assortment of pre-sized shelves for customizing your MedalDisplay.

Since there are infinite possibilities when it comes to the size of your MedalDisplay, these are just the commonly printable shelf sizes for print beds 300mm x 300mm and under.

For all other sizes, a .f3d file is included below to allow you to customize the shelves to any size you like.

Depths are 40mm and 60mm, with a focus on displays for things like

  • DnD Miniatures
  • Wargaming Miniatures
  • Lego Minifigs and Microbuilds
  • Specialty Dice


There are Three different types of shelves, in depths of 40mm, and 60mm, included

  • Flat 3mm (1/8")
    • Nothing special, these are just flat shelves in some pre prepared lengths and depths
  • Thick 6mm (1/4")
    • as above, except they are 6mm thick and much stronger
    • good for heavier items
    • the ends where they slot into the shelf pins are still 3mm (1/8"), this does not affect strength
    • also comes in extra depths of 80mm, 100mm (aka the "standard" depth), and 120mm
  • U-Shaped
    • these are 3mm (1/8") Thick shelves with little 3mm walls along the front and back
    • shape improves stability without needing to increase material
    • can be used either way up
    • the lip is just high enough to hide a 4x4 lego plate for displaying minifigs

There is a Flat and Lipped shelf that can be used along the bottom of the frame to hide the Shelf Pins and make the surface flat for placing Minis/etc

Here is a little key i've made, using Flat Shelf as the example, the three different types have the same naming scheme.

  • the X in the below naming is just the depth
    • eg. FlatShelf2_5 is a 40mm deep Flat Shelf that is 302mm long
  • Thick Shelves are not made for the very bottom piece, that specific piece is just to make the bottom surface nice and flat

Due to having to sort all the different files into folders and subfolders for type/sizing combinations, All files are provided pre-organized in a zip file below


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