Fire Safety Door Cards

Fire Safety Door Cards


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.16mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
0.16mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
5.6 h
4 plates



🚀 Description

Help emergency responders respond to your emergencies better by giving them a heads-up about what’s inside your house. Place this Fire Safety Card on your front door. Not only will you potentially save the things you cherish most in this cold and brutally indifferent universe, but also passively brag about your impressive private menagerie to everyone who passes by.


Specifically that prick Jerry from two doors down. Jerry thinks he’s better than everyone else in the neighborhood because he purchased one of those new robot lawnmowers. I can’t even walk to the mailbox anymore without getting bombarded by some kind of “it cost more than my car, but work smarter not harder am I right?” BS. And how convenient that it’s scheduled to run exactly at 8:30 AM and 5:30 PM, when people are on their daily commute and most likely to see it. Let’s remind him daily that, while you’re here cuddling with your two cats and three birds, he has nothing but an emotionless Grass Roomba to keep him warm at night. Chew on that, Jerry.



✨ Available Cards


  • Dog
  • Sweet Swaddled Beeb
  • Cat
  • Child
  • Bunny
  • Bird
  • Elderly
  • Neurodivergent
  • Disabled
  • Deaf
  • Low Vision
  • T1D
  • Oxygen In Use
  • Clown
  • Balloon Dog
  • Numbers 1 through 6



💸 Print Time & Cost (With Overture Red/White PETG on a P1S)*

*Above link is an Amazon Affiliates link. I get a couple of pennies if you click it ;)


PartEst. Print TimeEst. Filament UsageEst. Cost
Symbol Card - Single5.5 min2.45g$0.05
Symbol Card - Double12 min5g$0.10
Top32.5 min17g$0.36
Top Snap13.5 min4g$0.08
Bottom18 min6.5g$0.14
Side Snap - Single Section3.5 min1.33g$0.03
Slot Section39 min14.75g$0.31

Here’s a usage example for a piece that uses three rows on it:


PartEst. Print TimeEst. FilamentEst. Cost
Symbol Cards (6x)33 min14.70g$0.30
Side Snap - 3 Slots10.5 min8g$0.10
Top32.5 min17g$0.36
Top Snap13.5 min4g$0.08
Bottom18 min6.5g$0.14
Total1 hr 47 min50.20g$0.98


✍🏼 Printing Instructions

I don’t have an AMS yet(please keep downloading my work so I can buy one 😘 😘), so I’m not confident on the color-swapping process there. I simply put a pause flag on different layers and change the filament manually.

Unless otherwise mentioned, the print settings for each part should be

  • Layer Height: 0.16mm
  • Wall Loops: 3
  • Infill: 15% Gyroid. Grid is not welcome in this household.
  • Brim: None
  • ironing: None

Symbol Cards

Pause at Level 8 and swap filaments to your secondary color (white, in my case).

  • Ironing: All Top Surfaces
    • Ironing Speed: 150 mm
    • Ironing Flow: 38 mm
    • Ironing Line Spacing: 0.20 mm

Top Piece

Pause at Level 37 and swap filaments to your secondary color.

  • Ironing: All Top Surfaces
    • Ironing Speed: 150 mm
    • Ironing Flow: 38 mm
    • Ironing Line Spacing: 0.20 mm

Side Snaps

If you’re using my print profile, select which side snap you need based on the number of slots(rows of cards) you’re printing and disable the rest.

Slot Sections / Bottom / Top Snap

Stand them up so they’re vertical

  • Brim: None for PETG, but might be a good idea for PLA. Do a test and see if you can get away with because it’s a PITA to get the brim material out of the slot gaps.


🏗️ Assembly


  1. Slide your Symbol Cards into their respective Slot Sections.
  2. Slide the Bottom onto the final Slot Section.
  3. Click the Side Snap into place.
  4. Clasp the Top Body and the Top Snap around the topmost Slot Section.
  5. Get some command strips.
    1. I’m not going to explain to you how to use command strips.
  6. Slap that sucker right on your front door.



🙋 Q&A

Q: Why do you only provide the numbers one through 6?

A: Because if you have more than six of any of these things, your house is already on fire. Especially with the clown card.



Q: I have a Giraffe/Chupacabra Hybrid as a pet, will you add a card for me?

A: As long as a Giraffe/Chupacabras Hybrid is a pet you are legally allowed to own, probably. Just let me know. I’m very ADHD with my projects so it might take me a while to get to it. Unless it’s a ferret. I have a really hard time illustrating ferrets for some reason 🤔



Q: Why the clown and dog balloon cards?

A: I gave everyone in my office these for xmas and our interns only have roommates, and I didn’t want to exclude them.



Q: Why are there no adult cards?

A: Typically speaking it’s considered unwise to freely advertise to the world how many adults live in your home. On account of robbers and baddies.



Q: My pieces don’t fit together?

A: This is a precision design- too loose and it won’t hold together, too tight and it’s impossible to assemble. This is one of the main reasons I recommend printing at 0.16mm. I used a global tolerance of .125mm, and .118mm for the more critical parts. I didn’t have any issues, but I understand that some might. Print slower, make sure your filament is dry, and calibrate your printer. If you’re still having issues, drop me a comment and I can fiddle with the design a bit.



Q: Why are our brains able to identify these random assemblies and patterns of shapes into a highly specific formulated construct/representation of a real-life object?

A: Bro I have absolutely no clue and I lowkey can’t stop thinking about it. Probably something about prehistoric predators hiding in bushes or whatever.


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