Modular Riser 1cm, LED, hygrometer, temp sensors

Modular Riser 1cm, LED, hygrometer, temp sensors


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 10% infill
5 h
3 plates



Many great risers have been developed, and none of those suited my needs. Therefore, I introduce MoRi – the modular riser – that adds more than just a rising. By adding a simple IoT device temperature and humidity can be monitored. And it is only 1cm high.


The riser itself matches the size of a P1S perfectly. It is only 10mm high, and covers the full top of the P1S, while keeping access to the SD card. The structure of the top will depend on the bed you use. I used PEI and the structure is clearly visible. Please post pics if you use anther plate.


The LED holders are 1 size fitting all sides, and any 10mm LED strip can be inserted. The LED holders are printed in 1 part and the white bottom part acts as a diffuser, which is mounted at a 45° angle so the print bed is lit fully. 


The riser parts all click together; no glue needed. The modular structure allows you to modify elements of the riser, without having to remix the whole design. And stay tuned, I have several ideas on how to expand this system with, for example, a better webcam or energy consumption measurement.


The riser can be fitted with a simple single color USB LED strip. Or you go the IoT way, which I would recommend.


The front part has a holder for a Wemos ESP8266. Only novice soldering is required to connect the sensor (SHT3X, 4 leads) to the ESP. The LED strip (3 wire WS8212 for example) needs to be connected too. Programming the Wemos ESP8266 is easy using the same USB cable that is used to supply power to the ESP, as well as to the LED strip. Make sure the power for the LEDs is coming directly from the USB port and that it is not supplied by the ESP! The diode next to the USB connector cannot handle more than 0,5A and will blow if the wemos board supplies the 5V. Using Tasmotizer, tasmota sensors is flashed on the chip and the connection to your local network is made. Just make sure that you configure the module in the right way and you are good to go.


Using MQTT the ESP can be integrated in your home automation system. Let the programming begin!

  • Measure and monitor chamber temp
  • Measure and monitor chamber humidity
  • Regulate fans in case of PLA printing to limited chamber temp
  • In progress: ESP32 webcam to monitor and to measure sensors


Where to get the LED strips, Wemos ESP8266 and SHT3X? Just check Aliexpress, Ebay or do a search and I am sure you will find the supplies for less than $20.


If you notice any issues with the tolerances or the fit, post a comment!

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