Utilitarian Bambu Storage Base

Utilitarian Bambu Storage Base


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Requires a printer with ~400mm build plate

This design started with a desire to move my printer's poop off of my workspace and into the footprint of the printer.  There are some great designs on here that accomplish this and can be printed on the Bambu, but I have a Neptune 3 Max and wanted to design one with a one-piece base; this allowed me to have less space taken up with structural support and to use less filament.  From there, I tried to maximize useable space and keep the clean design of the printer.  

The stand in the pictures was printed fast and coarse as a prototype- I was sure I'd end up wanting to fix or change something.  I've now been using it for over a month and am totally happy with the design (and wishing I'd used finer settings!).  The poop drawer has also been convenient for dropping prime towers and flow calibration lines into when clearing the plate between prints.

I printed at 3 walls and 50% gyroid infill, which may be overkill but the design is pretty minimalist.  I used a .6mm nozzle.  The side compartments will fit on the Bambu X/P buildplate.  The Bampoo chute printed well upside down, slower than the rest and with a brim (I was worried it would get knocked over).  There are no fasteners, just a little CA glue on the Bampoo chute.  The top press fits onto the base- mine took some gentle persuading with a rubber mallet, though the coarseness of my print settings likely contributed to that.  Drawers and side storage just pop in.  I'm 6'3", 250lbs and I stood on the base and wiggled around before putting the printer on it ;)

I haven't had any issues with noise or ill effects on print quality.  After about the first week of constant use, I did notice it had shifted out of square with the workbench (smooth, glossy wood).  I put a piece of yoga mat under it and it hasn't budged since.  I don't use Sport or Ludicrous mode, so I can't comment on performance there.

This is the first time I've shared a design, so bear with me as I learn and I will do my best to address anything I can!  Remixing is strongly encouraged, I'm a huge believer in iterative design and personalization.  Besides, I can only justify printing something this size so many times;).  I look forward to seeing this evolve!

Comment & Rating (3)

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I like this design but it would really benefit from being cut up so that it could be printed on a bambu.
Please do sometime would really appreciate it
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