Just One Kiss Box

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Just One Kiss Box


Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

Just One Kiss Box - All printers
Just One Kiss Box - All printers
2.4 h
6 plates



This little box may hold only just one kiss, but that kiss is extra special. It's the perfect size to slip into a loved one's lunchbox to let them know you're thinking of them!

  • Fits: one Hershey Kiss or Hug (4.5g or 0.16oz each)
  • Multi-colour: No AMS Needed. Box and insert are printed separately
  • Snap-fit: no glue is needed; my print profile includes slightly different sizes so you can find the perfect fit
  • Print time/material: 33 minutes/11g (combined total for box and insert)

❤️ Hershey Kiss Trivia ❤️

  • Kisses were invented in 1907 by Milton Hershey. They were originally hand-wrapped.
  • The piece of paper sticking out of the top is called a plume. Plumes were added in 1921 to distinquish "real" kisses from copycats
  • The source of the name is unclear. Some say that it came from the sound the chocolate machine made when extruding the chocolate. Another claim is that at the time of invention, "kiss" was a generic term for a small candy.


❤️Recommended Print Settings❤️

All my 3mfs have my recommended print settings. They're listed here with an explanation of why I chose them.


  • Plate: Textured PEI Plate (I think Textured gives it a better look but feel free to change it to suit your own plate and preference)
  • First layer speed: 15 mm/s (better adhesion of small footprint items is achieved with slower speeds)

Box (Top and Bottom)

  • Layer height: 0.2mm (you can increase this if you'd like to make batch printing a bit quicker)
  • Wall generator: Classic (don't use Arachne as it may throw off the fit)
  • Sparse infill pattern: Gyroid (my preferred infill; change if you like)

Box (Top)

  • Only One Wall on Top Surface: Not applied (using only walls on the top surface of thin parts is a better choice to prevent over-extrusion)

Box (Bottom)

  • X-Y contour compensation: 0.0 to 0.1 (a lower number means it fits looser, a higher number means it fits tigther)

Heart Insert

  • Layer height: 0.08 (for the best quality; the chamfers and overhangs print better)
  • X-Y contour compensation: 0.0 to 0.1 (a lower number means it fits looser, a higher number means it fits tighter)
  • Only One Wall on Top Surface: Not applied (using only walls on the top surface of thin parts is a better choice to prevent over-extrusion)
  • Outer wall speed: 30 mm/s (prevents "chatter," gives nicer sheen, helps the overhang look better)

❤️About the Model❤️

Compared to my other projects, this one is very simple. I've been teaching myself Fusion 360 and this little box was an opportunity for me to stretch my skills. I learned how to be better at importing and working with SVG files as well as getting more comforable with sketches and the timeline. I was also able to practice new-to-me techniques, such as strategic use of constraints, how to use revolve and the best-thing-since-sliced-bread: the offset tool.


Why a little box with one little kiss inside? Because sometimes a small thing presented in a special way can mean a whole lot more. That, and nobody likes squished half-melted chocolate.

Filament used in display models:

  • Pink Silk PLA (Eryone)
  • Red Silk PLA (AMZ3D)
  • Glorious Gold Silk PLA (Spectrum)

Hershey Kisses eaten:

  • A lot

❤️How to Support Me❤️

If you like what I make, I would love it if you would please click the like button and/or download a print profile. If you really like what I make, then please consider buying me a coffee. Thank you so much!


February 11, 2024

  • Initial Upload

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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.