Shark Magnet - flexi fidget toy - print in place

Shark Magnet - flexi fidget toy - print in place Free 3D print model


Experience a unique twist on fidget toys with our 3D model of a Flexi Shark Fidget Toy. This one-of-a-kind design is an articulated, print-in-place model ideal for both children and adults alike. With cleverly incorporated slots on the bottom, it allows you to easily add magnets, turning it into a functional and fun shark magnet. This captivating toy isn't just an amusing stress reliever or for idle play, but it also serves as an eye-catching piece of home decor or an entertaining office toy.

Designed by a creative user called Timmy Tombstone on under the Toys & Games category, this shark magnet 3D model holds the essence of innovative crafting. Its flexible nature makes it a joy to fiddle with, while portraying the shark's nature in a playful manner. View the model's detailed images to understand its exact intricacies and experience the thrill of having your own miniature 3D shark magnet.

Whether you're an enthusiast looking for quirky models to print, a parent seeking engaging toys for children, or just someone in search of a quirky decoration, this Flexi Shark Fidget Toy with articulation is your pick. The flexibility and interactive design add a touch of creativity and fun to your daily routine.

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Shark Magnet - flexi fidget toy - print in place
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Shark Magnet - flexi fidget toy - print in place
Royalty Free No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)18.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-04-05
  • Model ID#5205215
  • Ready for 3D Printing