Sunscreen 7" Monitor

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Dissatisfied with the standard antiglare I wanted a kind of tube, which provides a better darkening and supports my concentration. And the whole thing should allows a greater "viewing distance" to the monitor. Oh, yeah, and it should be built up in 30 seconds... :-)

I'm using the Eachine 5802 7" Monitor, which provides a really good diversity. And a new version for the Race-Band is upcomming. Unfortunately, my circoulation does not support video glasses... :-/

For the first version of this I've tried some wall thickness between 1 - 1.5mm, but they where pretty fragile. Now this version here works very well...

Design Files

File Size

Abdeckung oben.STL
112 KB
112 KB
Abdeckung Seite links.STL
406 KB
Abdeckung Seite rechts.STL
405 KB
Abdeckung unten.STL
88.5 KB
480 KB


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