Napoleonic Ottoman Extra Heads 28mm

Napoleonic Ottoman Extra Heads 28mm 3D print model


This pack contains 81 new heads that can be added to the existing Red Dawn Napoleonic Ottoman Lines.

This pack allows you to wargame the many wars that happened further east such as Persia and India that involved figures such as Clive of India, Nadir Shah and Tipu Sultan.

Namely the Heads allow you to combine parts from the Napoleonic Ottoman figures to create:

  • British Sepoys
  • French Sepoys
  • Madras Soldiers
  • Maratha Soldiers
  • Persian Soldiers And several other more units.

The figures are scaled to 28mm and each file has a variant with resin printing supports attached.

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Napoleonic Ottoman Extra Heads 28mm
Custom License 
Napoleonic Ottoman Extra Heads 28mm
Custom License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)545 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-07-11
  • Model ID#3868715
  • Ready for 3D Printing