Foldable Phone Cradle for One-handed use

Foldable Phone Cradle for One-handed use 3D print model


This is a foldable phone cradle for one-handed use, and is made exclusively for the Citroen C5 X7 (2008-2017), but only for models with no SatNav/GPS.

VERY IMPORTANT: You CANNOT use this phone holder straight out of the 3D printer. You HAVE to glue some sort of non-slip material to some of the surfaces, otherwise the phone will fall out. See the images on where to glue the material. You can use EVA, foam tape, rubber, etc., and contact glue works well to keep it in place.

It is recommended you print this in ABS or some similar heat-resistant material to withstand the temperatures the inside of a car can reach while sitting in the sun.

No printer-generated support is needed as it is included in the model. Once the support is removed, the pieces fit together.

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Foldable Phone Cradle for One-handed use
Editorial No Ai License 
Foldable Phone Cradle for One-handed use
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)531 KBVersion: 1.Version: 1.0

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-06-07
  • Model ID#3801240
  • Ready for 3D Printing