Old Viking

Old Viking 3D print model



My latest model is this old worn stocky battle hardened Viking. His sword and armour have seen lots of action and the damage tells its own story. On close up you can see the details put into this -he has chain mail around the back of his neck and through his legs to his waist. Lots of straps - a small knife in pouch and axe at his side. The back worn sheild has a dragon embossed. He has a small nose bull ring and rings on his moustace and beard. Decor on the face plates and around the helemet. I kept the design on his shoulder pads throughout the model on all the protective plates. Some leather cloth hangs add to the protecive wear. I cut the points of all spikes for friendly printing. His great sword is ready for battle again when called upon. I have made this available at 1/6th scale (12 inch)but the images show it printed down at a combined 6.5 inchs tall as I only have a mars 3 at the moment. Any questions or help I will reply fast as usual. Offers considered if req. Model took about a week to build, my basic paint job took a few days -excuse that.

Combined height is 12 inch's 1/6th scale Resized for print to 6.5inch total height on my mars 3 -water washable resin. Auto supports on his back and about 10 extras added to missed islands in chittu basic -with head approx raised 30 degrees -back of knees close to plate for print 1. Print 2 boots and sword easy auto support..

Thanks for looking in and to all who buy my models. Calum

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Old Viking
Editorial No Ai License 
Old Viking
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)34.8 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-04-21
  • Model ID#3694788
  • Ready for 3D Printing