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Tripod quick release plate

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  • stativschrauberl6.stl
  • wechselplatte6.stl

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Publication date 2017-07-27 at 14:54
Design number 13191

3D printer file info

3D model description

This is a quick release plate designed to replace the Sirui TY-C10.

I like how these plates are slim, light and still fit the arca-swiss standard - they're perfect for my old 35mm film cameras. But they are expensive too, so having one for each camera can be a considerable expense... so I designed and printed my own.

There's also a tripod screw if you're some kind of scrooge, but be aware: there's a reason these screws are made out of metal. If you print it, make sure your settings and material priorize layer adhesion over print speed; otherwise your camera will break because you were too miserly to spend 2€ on a real screw.

However it works as a proof of concept and I guess if you print it really hot in polycarbonate it could even stand some real action with lightweight cameras. I will update on that cause as soon as I've done some tests.

PS: The photo is from a previous version of the plate. I still have to update the picture with the most recent version which has more chamfered/blended edges and deeper grooves. It's also time to replace my old print bed as the surface finish really looks horrible.

3D printing settings

Printer Brand:

Wanhao Duplicator i3 V2





Both parts are designed to be printed without support.

Plate: Print it upside down in a material which is: stiff, not too brittle, can stand some heat (think of storing it in your car or of attaching a modern mirrorless camera which can get pretty hot), has good layer adhesion. Lignine-based greentec from extrudr seems perfect for that case. But PC (maybe a bit too flexible?) or ABS (hard to print steep angles with good layer adhesion) most likely will do the job as well.

Screw: It's a rather tight fit so consider reducing the X/Y size to 95-98%. As already mentioned, make sure your printer is set to max out its layer-adhesion capabilities. Material-wise I'd choose something like PC, perhaps even PETG if you feel adventurous. However I want to emphasize that I don't recommend using a plastic screw on expensive and/or heavy cameras!


Think of adding some thin self-sticking rubber pad to prevent the camera from movement.


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