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Shift Hacker [Kamen Rider Drive] - A Drive Driver Hacking Tool

Creation quality: 4.5/5 (1 vote)
Evaluation of members on the printability, utility, level of detail, etc.


3D design format
STL Folder details Close
  • [Kamen Rider Drive] Shift Car Code Hacker v5.stl
  • [Kamen Rider Drive] Shift Car Code Nubs v1.stl
  • [Kamen Rider Drive] Shift Hacker Cover v1.stl

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Publication date 2022-05-10 at 11:16
Design number 720534

3D printer file info

3D model description

Kamen Rider Drive is an excellent show. Being such, it effectively convinced me to purchase a Drive Driver. But to keep a long story short, I wanted all the noises in this thing, and I'll be damned if I have to pay $20 in shipping for a toy police car (again).

So I made this, the Shift Hacker. By inserting the included Nubs in various arrangements, you can now access any sound in the belt, including unused ones!

I've seen plenty of obscure youtube videos of dudes using tools like this, but its always some custom-order stuff or just handmade. Well I felt like that was bullshit, so I made one free to use for pretty much everyone with a 3D printer.

There is a video linked as a 'visual aid' of sorts, do with that what you will.

I'm thinking of making alternate attachments for the backplate (the thing that holds down the nubs), to give it more of a proper Shift Car/Signal Bike feel. Keep an eye open for that!

Also before anyone asks, no you cannot sell these commercially. The point is to make an easily available tool for anyone who wants to make one. If I want to sell these (for folks without printers), I'll go about setting that up myself. Probably after I get a backplate done.

That's all. Have fun!

3D printing settings

The main body needs supports, the backplate and nubs are fine on their own. All models are arranged for ideal printing.


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