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Roy B

16oz Can Coozy

Remix Model
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16oz Can Coozy 3d model
16oz Can Coozy 3d model
16oz Can Coozy 3d model
16oz Can Coozy 3d model
16oz Can Coozy 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
18 Likes16 DownloadsJuly 28, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

(Fits most 16oz drinks i.e. Nos, Monster, Bang, Ghost, Rockstar, etc) I designed this two-piece coozy for anyone who wants to keep their drink cool and any surface they place it protected. You pop the top piece onto the can and gently thread the bottom piece on to lock it all together. (note that you do not need to tighten very hard to keep the can secure, over-tightening will make it harder to remove the bottom). Also, note that the fit will be tighter when the can is cold due to the expansion of the drink.


This model is for personal use only. If you want to sell physical prints of our designs, or you want to support us, please SUBSCRIBE TO OUR THANGS MEMBERSHIP PLAN :


Print Settings: no support orient the top of the coozy flat on the bed thread facing up .1 - .12 mm layer height

18 Likes16 DownloadsJuly 28, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
18 Likes16 DownloadsJuly 28, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.