Bomber Seaplane Blackburn Kangaroo GP (WW1, British Empire)

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    $5.50 Bomber Seaplane Blackburn Kangaroo GP (WW1, British Empire)

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    497 objects

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    Technical Information
    Status Approved
    Price $5.50
    More Information
    Object Parts
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Body.stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Full Assembly.stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Propeller.stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Supported Body Supported.stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Supported Propeller Supported.stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Supported Tail Supported.stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Supported Wing 1 Supported.stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Supported Wing 2 Supported.stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Tail.stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Wing 1.Stl
    Blackburn Kangaroo Gp Seaplane British Empire Wing 2.Stl
    Stand For Planes Scale 1 144.Stl 20 MB