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Toilet Bowl Scrubber

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3D design format
PDF and STL Folder details Close
  • Handle.stl
  • Head_Medium.stl
  • Head_Thick.stl
  • Head_Thin.stl
  • Holder.stl
  • PrintAndAssemblyInstructions.pdf

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Publication date 2023-04-28 at 21:49
Design number 1192833

3D printer file info

3D model description

Stubborn hard water ring/streaks in the bowl, or a black ring of mold under the rim, or just want to easily maintain a clean toilet? This toilet bowl scrubber makes the scrubbing easier and more effective.

It has the following benefits:

  1. Makes it easier to scrub. No need to bend down and reach hands inside the toilet bowl.

  2. Can reach under the rim more effectively than a toilet brush and has more scrubbing power than a toilet wand

  3. When installed with non-scratch scrub sponges, it avoids scratching the smooth ceramic surface of the toilet bowl which can cause more problems later

  4. Having a scrubbing tool readily available makes routine cleanups more thorough and helps to prevent stains and molds from building up to an unsightly scene.

The design consists of three parts: handle, head, and holder. There are 3 STL files for the head, each for fitting with scrub sponges of different thickness.

Additional thing needed: One kitchen scrub sponge to complete the tool. Non-scratch scrub sponges, such as the Scotch-Brite zero scratch scrubbing sponge, are recommended so as not to damage the smooth ceramic surface of the toilet bowl. If the stains have been there for a long time and very stubborn and a more abrasive scrub sponge is needed, use it gently and once the stains are removed, switch to the non-scratch sponge for regular maintenance cleanings.

Wear proper hand and eye protection, particularly when use strong cleaners such as the Lysol Power Clinging Gel. Don’t mix use different toilet cleaners to avoid having unexpected chemical reactions that can release harmful fumes

3D printing settings

Can be easily printed in PLA without support. Total print time is about 4 hours on fast printers and 17 hours on regular printers.

The handle is 10 inches (254mm) long. It fits diagonally on beds with a usable print area of 220x220mm or larger. Printing suggestion and assembly instructions are provided for download


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